Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Today I decided to send a few Christmas cards. I save the envelopes for the addresses. They weren't on the table....I said to my honey......Do you know where the envelopes are for the Christmas cards?......he didn't believe him.......I looked at him with suspicion.....I said I told you I was saving them.....did you throw them away? still didn't believe him.....he got squirmy.......Then it hit me.....I put them on the desk in the office.......I told him....oh.....sorry......I forgot that I put them in the office.......he just smiled and said.....CAPTAIN NEMO WAS GOING TO HELP YOU FIND THEM.......CAPTAIN NEMO ALWAYS COMES TO THE RESCUE......I was baffled.....after 29 years I have never ever heard him even mention Captain Nemo......?????????
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I was up waaaay too early today. She is not the problem. She is my oldest baby. She just got back from NY state visiting the youngest baby. This precious girl works at a convenience store/gas station on the weekends. Her fellow worker gave her this drinking recepticle which is a green alien. Oh dear. When she left for work yesterday I told her....I hope you meet some interesting people. She called from work last night and said.....Mom, you know that trucker that comes through every week?.....guess what he hauls......bodies....bodies Mom........Well, I told her that that was interesting for sure.........
This the my Honey. He is not the culprit. This is a terrible pic of him. The last time we went to the big city he bought some expensive cigars. The other day he came through the room with this stub of a cigar and I told him that he needed one of those fancy holders.....he came back through the room with this set up. I just had to take a picture.
I have "hit the wall" with dishcloths. I knitted 16 in a row and now my hands are tired and sore and swollen. There are 12 here.....I have already given away 4 of them. I hate it when I can't knit. I have listened to two audio books and knit 16 dishcloths while my girl was away for 10 days. I have to find another passion for a while to let my hands recover. is the culprit. This is why I was up way too early. The neighbor can't stand one little bug in his hay fields and sprays everything into oblivion. He not only kills the bad bugs...he kills the good bugs too. Most of us are a lot smarter and cut the hay a little early to avoid mass distruction of the bug world plus it saves tons of money when you don't spray. This lovely plane with the lovely man in it also reads the electric meters by plane once a month with his little lazer beam. He also flys a jet to Denver and back everyday. I taught the little stinker.....who buzzed my house at 6:30 this morning......I went to bed at 12:30 am......and this reprobate buzzed me at 6:30 am. Good thing he was cute when he was little or.........never mind. is the culprit. This is why I was up way too early. The neighbor can't stand one little bug in his hay fields and sprays everything into oblivion. He not only kills the bad bugs...he kills the good bugs too. Most of us are a lot smarter and cut the hay a little early to avoid mass distruction of the bug world plus it saves tons of money when you don't spray. This lovely plane with the lovely man in it also reads the electric meters by plane once a month with his little lazer beam. He also flys a jet to Denver and back everyday. I taught the little stinker.....who buzzed my house at 6:30 this morning......I went to bed at 12:30 am......and this reprobate buzzed me at 6:30 am. Good thing he was cute when he was little or.........never mind.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I just got the cutest call. The cemetery where my parents are buried is in the middle of nowhere about 8 miles west of our farm. I mean in the middle of is nothing around the cemetery but farms. I live on the great plains. It is a beautiful cemetery and is surrounded by huge old trees and is irrigated by the farmer who owns the land around it. There is a group of old ladies who plant beautiful flowers out there like......roses and peonies and tulips and well....the list goes on and on. Last fall I got a call from Peaches (85) who has taken care of the cemetery for years. She is quite the gardener. She called me last fall and said.......Linda, this is that both of your folks are gone would you like me to plant some Peonies at their stone?.....I have to split the Peonies and I would be happy to plant some there. I told Peaches that that would be great and that I really appreciate it. Mom passed away on April 30th last year. My sister came down to visit the grave this year and ran into Darla. Darla runs the thriftstore in town and all of the proceeds go to the handicapped adults organization. Darla has two mentally handicapped children who are grown now and work at the store. Anyway, Darla just called to tell me that one of the Peonies died at my parent's grave stone. Now, I couldn't tell if I was was being castigated for not watering them or whether Darla thought that I should call Peaches or what.......I kind of stammered and she said.......I dug down and the roots are just gone....Ed is irrigating the center section right now and it will be a while before he irrigates your Mom and Dad's section.......SILENCE........I said, well....ummmmm.......I need to get over there more often to water those......Darla said, I saw your sister over there when she was down and I told her I would water them.......Oh.....Darla.....thank you so much!.....she didn't tell me......Oh is the store going?........fine she said.......then she said.....I would be happy to call Peaches......I said.....Oh.....well.....that would be fine Darla.....Thank you so much for deeping any eye on the Peonies.......gosh......Oh Darla......I have somemore yarn for your ladies.......she said.......great!......Myrtle is making hats for the babies at the hospital.........Great I said......ok then then......I will get over there to the cemetery soon and check things out......Darla said.....I will call Adeline and see what she thinks......I thought OH GOD....Adeline will have a fit. Bad me!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
I love this artist. Bouguereau pronounced Booooo jurrrrrr ruuuuuuu. This pic is titled Yvonne. 

We are off to the big city tomorrow and won't be back till Friday. I don't have access to internet up there because I need to bit the bullet and buy a laptop. Someday. Not much else new here. I'm doing last minute laundry for the trip. Daughter will be holding down the fort. She went grocery shopping for me today and came home with lots of fish for herself. She loves fish. I hate fish. She has Talapia and Salmon. Yummmmm.....Yuck........
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