Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Thanks to my wonderful, fabulous, brilliant, generous, peachie, organized cousin, I am able to finally post to my blog. At her suggestion, I have a little book to keep my user names and passwords to various things. The problem at this point is trying to remember them all. I can't rely on my memory anymore. I used to have a memory like a steel trap......but no more. Thanks cousin.

I have been reading some wonderful blogs lately. I am amazed that these people can write and write and make the reading so interesting. Now I will have to ask my cousin to help me learn to upload pictures to this blog. She has been known to even upload for me from afar bless her heart.

Hubby just called and needs a ride home from town as we are having one of the cars worked on today and it won't be ready till tomorrow morning. That means that he will need a ride TO town tomorrow morning. I am not a morning person. He will have to wait a while.

I am taping THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER on TCM right now. I love these old movies. I used to watch them every Saturday morning when I was a kid. Last night I taped PSYCHO. Ooooh. That one was scary. I haven't watched it yet. I will of course watch it during the daylight hours. I live way out in the country and I get spooked at night. Lock the doors and pull the shades.

That is it for now. I have two boxes to mail at the PO before I pick up hubby. The daughter got a king size bed and I am sending her a king size bedspread that I have had in the closet for years and a small (all metal) pot and lid for her artisan bread baking and some Rennett for making cheese. THE FARMERS DAUGHTER MOVES TO THE CITY. Off to town.

1 comment:

Orghlaith said...

Wow. Rennet, Artisan Bread, and a new King Size bed. I think I am jealous.