Monday, July 23, 2007

strange and amazing

My friend P and I went to a town about 70 miles west of here to pick up some farming supplies. Then we tried to find a little cafe to have lunch. There were none so we drove to the next town east and again there were none. What is happening? It is so hard to find little mom and pop cafe's anymore. We drove the next town east and ate at Village Inn. It was ok but WE LIKE CAFE'S. We headed down a back road to home which would be about 60 miles. Stopped at a historic fort. It was way too hot to walk through. 103 on her car thermometer. We took a few pics and headed on down the road. We were looking at the nice farms. Looked on this side of the road and then that side of the road. La La La very relaxing and nice. All of a sudden I saw a Zebra. Yes a Zebra. I don't live in Africa. I live in Colorado for heaven's sake. We backed up and saw a herd of Gazelle, two very large deer like creatures with horns pointing straight back, an Ostrich, 4 donkeys, one mule and an Emu. We drove past the house and saw another Ostrich and some more Emu's. Amazing. Out in the middle of nowhere. Oh, I forgot the gaggle of 20 big white geese. It was so much fun to watch them all. You just never know when you get up in the morning what you are going to see and do. It was fun.

1 comment:

C4G said...

Hey! 'Tis CCW/C4G! You can email me at crowcallingwoman at charter dot net. I had to put my comments on moderation because I has some wacko posting a bunch of links in the comment fields.