Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Tomorrow is my birthday. A few days ago my cousing sent me a big box. I was able to resist until today. I opened the box. Here is a list of what was in there.

Birthday card
Candle in a wine glass
candle in a tea cup with saucer
hand knitted face cloth and soap sack with a bar of pear glycerine soap
box of Russell Stover chocolates
Episodes 18 - 49 of favorite knitting podcast
hand painted glass bottle with tip for cooking oil
hand knit merino wool socks
four balls of dish cloth cotton for knitting
book on knitting.
It was awesome and MADE MY DAY!!!!!!! Thank you cousin for your generosity and thoughtfullness and skill and everything!!!

Today was my weekly shopping day with friend P. We have gone shopping together for about 15 years. Not always on Tuesdays but once a week for a long time. People in town see us and say oh yes it is Tuesday. One time I called the dr. office to make an appt and the secretary said that she had an opening on tuesday but that is my shopping day. How funny. We buy groceries, get water, do errands etc.... P always drives. She is a really special friend. She has done things for me that no human being should or would do for another person. The seating hostess at the restaurant that we always have breakfast at asked today if we were just friends or relatives. I told her we were friends and that we are closer than most relatives. Cousin in east excepted of course. The seating hostess is a real character. She is seating hostess by day and prison guard by night. I don't know when she sleeps. She is also on the city council and rides her Harley to work every morning. I bought our mechanic breakfast this morning. He lives down the road and keeps all 4 of our old cars going. He came in and said hi but wouldn't sit with us. I called him on his cell a little while later to say hi. It was fun. His wife passed away 8 months ago and it has been hard for him. He was in the army, mechanic at a mine in the mts.,owned his own large equipment business, had a small engine business and is now retired and fixes lawn mowers and our cars. We take him out for supper every so often.

I will close for now. Later. Bird Girl

1 comment:

Orghlaith said...

You certainly know the best folks! Happy Birthday. May your family and friends cater to your every wish. And groveling doesn't hurt either.